Talk: ‘The world is best administered by Irishmen:’ the Irish Imperial Aristocracy, Lord Dufferin and Canada and Ireland, c. 1840-78 [Dornoch]

02 February 2016, Starts: 17:15

‘The world is best administered by Irishmen:’ the Irish Imperial Aristocracy, Lord Dufferin and Canada and Ireland, c. 1840-78

Talk by Dr Annie Tindley (University of Dundee)

Ross House, Dornoch. Organised by UHI Centre of History

Lord Dufferin and Ava (1826-1902) was an Ulster landowner and colonial governor, who reached the pinnacle of diplomatic and administrative life of imperial Britain. This paper discusses Dufferin's career in relation to his Irish background and estate management, alongside his experiences as Governor General of Canada to consider the relationship between land, identity and governance between and across Britain and the empire in the 1870s.


Dr Annie Tindley is a senior lecturer in History at the University of Dundee. Her particular research interest has been in landed estates and their aristocratic owners and management. She has worked in particular on the Sutherland estates in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, as they grappled with land reform, and the shadow of the Clearances. She maintains side interests in great dogs and horses of the past and the history of the steam plough.

All are welcome! Please email if you are able to attend.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: