A special week of WWII and the Arctic Convoys [Wester Ross]

09 May 2012

A special week of WWII and the Arctic Convoys

The Russian Arctic Convoy Museum group in Wester Ross are planning an exciting event in early May. Entitled ´World War II and the Arctic Convoys´ Week, the week of 7th - 12th May is shaping up into a fascinating range of lectures, exhibitions, dances, tea parties and reunions to be held in the Wester Ross area - all around the Wartime 1940´s theme. All proceeds will go towards the Museum Project.
Heading up the programme is, Dr Mark Baldwin, a leading expert on Codebreaking, who will be talking about ´Enigma and Bletchley Park´, and ´U Boats and Convoys´. There will be a guided walk to the site of the 1944 William H Welch wreck at Cove, as well as other exciting events.
You can find out more about tall the activities at www.russianarcticconvoymuseum.co.uk

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: