Training session: Coastal erosion around Evanton

ARCH Highland

29 April 2013, Starts: 10:00, Ends: 15:30

After some residents of Evanton expressed concerns about coastal erosion around Evanton and the deteriorating state of Kiltearn Old Parish church, Susan approached the SCAPE project (Scottish Coastal Archaeology and the Problem of Erosion). They have just started a new project called Scotlands Coastal Heritage at Risk Project (SCH@RP) which encourages local people to record and monitor sites which are subject to coastal erosion. Some they know about already, but they are keen to hear about new ones. If you have an android phone you can record information and photographs with their smartphone app and interactive map. For those without, it is possible to submit information in more traditional ways.

The project team will be coming up to this area in April to provide training sessions. On Sunday 28th April, there will be training sessions at Cornerstone Cafe in Evanton, beginning at 1pm. and ending with a quick visit to a coastal site. On Monday, we'll meet at 10am at the Church Hall in Evanton , and have a longer day recording sites, finishing around 3:30-4pm. Then on Monday 29th April, Jo Hambly from SCAPE will tell us more about the project as part of the ARCH lecture series at Dingwall Community Centre.

Jo encourages people to  register and start doing your own surveys as individuals if you know a stretch of coastline well or would like to have a go before the training sessions. The recording is designed to be as straightforward as possible and if you get stuck you can give the project a ring or contact them by email. Winter is actually the best time to do surveys and the weather is good sometimes!

Further information about the SCH@RP project is available on their website

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: