Walk: Shielings in Strathconon

ARCH Highland

27 March 2013, Starts: 10:30

RCAHMS staff Eve Boyle and Piers Dixon have kindly agreed to accompany North of Scotland Archaeological Society members and ARCH supportors on two walks on Tuesday and Wednesday 26th & 27th March.

Weds 27th March is a walk to look at shielings in Strathconon, an area where NOSAS has done comprehensive fieldwork in the past. Meet at the car park, GR NH 226 519 at 10.30am from where we will combine cars, (or for those wishing to share cars for the long drive up the glen (45mins) meet at the Community Hall car park at Marybank at 9.30am (not Maryburgh!! – several have been confused in the past!)). The walk is about 8 to 9kms in length, partly on a track but much of it over rough ground, so a decent level of fitness is required, and the weather can be pretty rugged. Two possible still sites are also included. Wear suitable gear and bring a picnic

Many thanks to Meryl Marshall of NOSAS for organising these two days. If you intend to come along on the walks, it would be appreciated it if you would notify the ARCH office, so we have some idea of numbers.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: