Workshop: Every object tells YOUR story [Inverness]

22 May 2013, Starts: 14:00, Ends: 16:00

Every object tells YOUR story,

Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

There are over 50,000 objects in the collections at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery and only a small number of these are on display at any one time. We are always looking for opportunities to bring more
of our objects out of storage and on display in the galleries and this time we would like you to help us do this.

This two hour session will include a curator led tour of the archaeology gallery, an opportunity to peer behind the scenes into the museum's reserve store and a chance to choose an object for display in the gallery. We will spend time, looking, seeing, exploring, being inspired by and finding the story hidden in your object and then we will compose a label, telling your story!

This session is FREE, but booking is essential, as places are limited. Further details and bookings to Cait McCullagh at or 01463 237 114

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: