Talk: 'We'll loyally muster and fight as of your': Highlanders and the Highland Regiments in the late 19th Century [Inverness]

06 November 2013, Starts: 17:15

'We’ll loyally muster and fight as of yore': Highlanders and the Highland Regiments in the late 19th Century.

Talk by Ben Thomas, University of Aberdeen

Dornoch (Ross House)

Part of UHI Centre for History Public Seminar Series. Free. For further information contact Dr Kathrin Zickermann
01847 889622 or Please contact her if you intend to attend.

'The Highland Regiments in the late 19th century were the darlings of the British military; famed for their daring and their prowess, and lauded for their victories on the battlefields of Empire. However, it is one of history's little ironies that their biggest successes came at a time when the numbers of Highlanders in the ranks was at an all time low. This paper explores this curiosity, examining the place of the Highland Regiments in Highland culture and society, and illuminating the controversies and debates that accompanied the region's involvement with the military aspect of Britain's Empire.'


Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: