Survey: Banchor, near Tomatin

13 September 2014, Starts: 09:00, Ends: 16:00

 Practical Survey training days, organised by NOSAS with training by RCAHMS staff.

This practical training is aimed at interested amateur archaeologists and covers identification and interpretation of sites together with recording, sketching and plane table survey of them. It is to be carried out by RCAHMS staff at a site near Tomatin on Fri 12th and Sat 13th September 2014

The training is to take place at Banchor, NH 763240, a multi-period landscape on the south side of the River Findhorn 8kms SW of Tomatin. The training is free and the programme is:

Friday 12th September – A walk around the landscape at Banchor visiting prehistoric remains - hut circles (one of them a ring ditch house), field systems and a variety of cairns, and more recent townships with complex features, regional variations and differing phases. The walk is generally over easy ground but there are some steep bits in places. Instruction in and practice of sketching sites will be done on this day and also a thorough exploration of the township and the buildings to be planetabled tomorrow.

Saturday 13th September – The whole day will be devoted to planetabling – how to set up a plane table, linking tables together, choice of scale for the drawing and, most importantly, practise at it. Depending on number of participants we may have as many as 8 or 9 PTs in operation. There are at least 12 buildings which include dwelling houses and byres with cruick slots, 2 corn drying kilns, a lime kiln and enclosures, there are the remains of stone built houses and turf houses with rounded ends so there’s plenty of scope. The aim is for us to produce a detailed plan of the site in the longer term

The training is open to non-NOSAS members but places are limited so booking is essential. Please contact Anne Coombs (tel 01862 810431, email

Other information – The usual stuff about adverse weather conditions, suitable clothing/footwear, ticks etc applies. Bring a thermos and packed lunch and meet at the Tomatin Community Centre car park at 9am (toilets available) from where we will car share to the site on both days. We expect to finish about 4pm

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: