Building Ancient Lives colloqium [Edinburgh]

06 November 2014

 The "Building Ancient Lives" project is interested in how people in the past built the structures that sheltered, supported and constituted their way of life. Understanding how people built in the past can help addressing current problems of sustainable building.
After a successful international workshop held in March this year, an international colloquium open to everyone will be held to present intial results, new methodologies of research and place the question of sustainable building in a wider geographical as well as chronological context.
The colloquium will bring together archaeologists, architects and engineers to present case studies and discuss how sustainable and how permanent dwelling was in the prehistoric and Roman past - juxtaposed with modern issues of finding solutions for sustainable building in local communities by studying this past.
Keynote speakers:
Prof Peter Walker, University of Bath
Prof Ian Armit, University of Bradford
PD Dr Sabine Reinhold, German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
This event is free. Tea and coffee provided. Numerous lunch venues in the vicinity

Tickets from Eventbrite website:

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: