Consultation on Scotland's Archaeology Strategy [Brora]

ARCH Highland

15 May 2015, Starts: 10:30, Ends: 12:00

 There will be two opportunities in May to discuss your vision for Scottish archaeology, when Dr Rebecca Jones and Dr Lisa Brown from Historic Scotland lead workshops relating to the just released draft of the Scotland’s Archaeology Strategy.

The consultation workshops will be in Inverness the evening of Thursday 14th May at Eden Court (MacLean Room in the Bishop’s Palace), 7:30-9, and at Brora Community Centre on Friday 15th May, 10:30 – 12.

The Scottish Strategic Archaeology Committee has been meeting over the last year or so, tasked by the Scottish Government and Historic Scotland to create a 10 year archaeology strategy. The committee has a broad membership representing many of the varied parties who have an interest in archaeology and heritage, including Historic Scotland, RCAHMS, Forestry Commission, local authorities, museums, archaeological contractors, education, and community participation (represented by Susan Kruse of ARCH). There has been a genuine attempt to try and have a new vision - to see what's not working, and to try and suggest ways which might improve things.
The Scottish Government Agency are keen to hear opinions on how well the current draft of the strategy represents people’s interests and aspirations for archaeology in Scotland. Amongst other issues, the consultation seeks to know if the plan makes archaeology inclusive, if it maximise opportunities for education on the subject, and if it gives archaeology the best chance to inspire people and make a major contribution to the nation’s wellbeing.

The draft strategy is now out for consultation - see . For those without internet, paper copies can be obtained from Dr. Lisa Brown at Historic Scotland, Room G55b, Longmore House, Salisbury Place, Edinburgh, EH9 1SH or phone 0131 668 8752. This is very much a draft, and there is an opportunity to respond and inform the final version. We need to get grassroots input into the strategy. You may have a very jaded view of strategies - but if we don't try and feed in our concerns and our thoughts now, we can't complain as loudly over the next 10 years.

Please come and contribute. What’s important to you and what opportunities would you like to see in the next 10 years? What is needed to get there? If possible, please have a look at the strategy first. If you can’t make the meetings, you can send a response to the consultation (closing date 9th June).

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: