Talk: 'Verus Valor, Andrew de Wyntoun, and the Alleged Thirteenth Century Alexandrian Golden (or Silver) Age in Scotland' [Dornoch]

09 June 2015, Starts: 17:00

  'Verus Valor, Andrew de Wyntoun, and the Alleged Thirteenth Century Alexandrian Golden (or Silver) Age in Scotland'

Talk by Dr Alasdair Ross (University of Stirling)

Ross House, Dornoch. Organised by UHI Centre for History

Dr Ross will deliver a free public lecture on climatic change and disease in thirteenth century Scotland. 

If you have any questions or if you would like to book a place (free of charge) please contact Dr Kathrin Zickermann (, 01847889622)

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: