Survey: Plane Table survey at Wilkhouse, Kintradwell

17 September 2016, Starts: 10:00

Plane Table survey at Wilkhouse, Kintradwell

Organised by Clyne Heritage Society

The footings of an old inn on the east coast of Sutherland, to the north of Brora, at Wilkhouse (mentioned in Donald Sage's 'Memorabilia Domestica'), below Kintradwell will be the focus of a plane table survey this Saturday. Volunteers to assist with the survey and interested people are welcome to attend. Meet at Brora Heritage Centre at 10am of Saturday, 17th September - outdoor clothing, sturdy footwear and a packed lunch essential!

The survey is a precursor to a planned archaeological excavation in May 2017 to try to learn more about the inn, especially with regard to its role in cattle droving. Donald Sage, the son of Rev Alexander Sage, the Minister of Kildonan, was sent to public school in Dornoch when he was 12 years of age and he recounted, in Memorabilia Domestica, in detail a lunch stop he had made at Wilkhouse with his father on his way to his new school. He must have made it a regular stopping-off point on his termly journey to and from home, as he wrote that 'This Highland hostelry, with its host Robert Gordon and his bustling, talkative wife, were closely associated with my early years, comprehending those of my attendance at school and college.'

For more details of either the initial plane table survey or the excavation, or to register an interest in either, please contact Clyne Heritage Society on info@clyneheritage or phone 01408 621338.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: