Conference: Rural Settlement relating to buildings, landscape and people in the European Iron Age [Edinburgh]

20 June 2017

Rural Settlement relating to buildings, landscape and people in the European Iron Age

International conference organised by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Eisenzeit, the University of Edinburgh and the First Millennia Studies Group

Appletown Tower, University of Edinburgh

£30, students £25

Bookings now open (close 4th June 2017) from U. of Edinburgh website.

A field trip to sites of interest outside Edinburgh on Sunday 18 June is an optional extra, for which we ask you to register your interest in the first instance. Once the minimum number of participants has been reached, we will contact you to confirm participation and pay the additional fee. Please note that the field trip registration will close at midnight, 14 May 2017.

Provisional programme:
Leticia López-Mondéjar A new look at the archaeological record of the Iberian Final Iron Age:
society and settlement patterns through the analysis of rural contexts in
the Iberian Southeast
Anne Crone, Graeme Cavers The chronology of wetland settlement and its impact on Iron Age
settlement dynamics in SW Scotland
Luis Berrocal-Rangel, Lucia Ruano Rural domestic patterns in North-West Iberia. An ethno-archaeological
approach to household layout
Alexandra Cony Terroirs in Gaul at the end of the Iron Age : résults
Dave Cowley Settlement systems and landscape textures in SE Scotland - peopling the
1st millennium BC
Betka Danielisova, Daniel Bursak,
Roman Krivanek , Radka
Role and function of the enclosed farm-type settlements in Bohemia
David Gonzalez-Alvarez Iron Age rural landscapes in the Western Cantabrian Mountains (NW
Angelika Mecking A failed love story – How Latène farmsteads grew apart
Stephan Fichtl Die adliger Gehöfte der Mittel und Spätlatène in Gallien: Pläne,
Architektur und Organisation.
Gerhard Tomedi Iron Age Settlement Patterns in the Inn Valley, North Tyrol, Austria
Eduardo Ferrer-Albelda From hut to factory: rural occupation models in the Lower Guadalquivir
Valley in the 1st millennium BC
Francisco J. García-Fernández,
Eduardo Ferrer-Albelda
The rural landscape in Turdetania during the Second Iron Age
Magali Garcia, Yann Deberge L´habitat rural des Arvernes au second âge du Fer. Rural settlements of
the Arverns (Central Gaul) in the Second Iron Age
Manuel Fernández-Götz, Ian
Rural Residential Places? Rethinking the Fürstensitze – Elites
Mira Ignasi Grau Networks of settlements and Landscapes in Iberian Iron Age: between
household and territories
Peter Halkon Recent research on the Arras Culture in its landscape setting
Fraser Hunter Contacts, changes and crafts - a long-term view of rural settlement in the
Moray Firth coastal plain (NE Scotland)
Jamie Lewis, Catherine J. Frieman Iron Age and Romano-British Enclosures of Southeast Cornwall
Jesper Hansen Land organizational changes in rural Denmark from 200-1000 AD.
Katharina Becker Rural settlement in Iron Age Ireland
Karen M. de Vries Settling with the norm. Uniformity and variation in Iron Age domestic
material culture.
Péter F. Kovács Integrated approach towards understanding the concept of „House” in
the Middle Tisza Region during the Iron Age
Régis Labeaune Spatial occupation in the Early Iron Age in Eastern Burgundy (8th-5th
century BC)
Boštjan Laharnar, Edisa Lozić,
Benjamin Štular
Structured Iron Age landscape in SW Slovenia
Luca Cappuccini Rural settlements in Northern Etruria: mountain sites and lowland farms
in the sixth and fifth centuries B.C.
Mads Runge Regional aspects of landscape use and settlement organisation in
Denmark in Late Bronze Age and Early Iron Age
Mª Pilar Burillo-Cuadrado Celtiberians and Vaccaei, two different peasant forms of land use
Martin Fera, Michael Doneus Filling the gaps? –Evaluating the value of long term remote sensing
projects for the investigation of Iron Age
settlement structures in Eastern Austria
Niels Algreen Møller Iron Age Settlements as a Reflection of Local Communities
Ioana Oltean Dacian upland settlement strategies and aggregation trends - the
contribution of LiDAR technology
Piotr Wroniecki Recognizing an Iron Age settlement? A case study of a settlement site in
Rzemienowice, Poland discovered with remote sensing.
Hrvoje Potrebica Late Hallstatt settlements: elusive places of transition
Raimund Karl, Katharina Möller Meillionydd: a Late Bronze and Iron Age double ringwork enclosure in
North-West Wales
Tankó Károly La Tène settlements research in Hungary
Tanja Romankiewicz Dynamic Iron Age architectures in dynamic rural landscapes
Caroline von Nicolai Rural settlement patterns in Iron Age Bavaria
Lorenzo Zamboni Rural settlement and social complexity in the Po Plain, 6th to 3rd BCE
Daniel May A Mixed-Method Contribution to Identify Diverse Identities in Rural
Andrei Georgescu How Much Information Can One Feature Offer? Everyday Aspects of an
Iron Age Rural Community From the Banat Region, Reflected in an
Archaeological Discovery From Moșnița Veche (Timiș County)
Maria Luisa Cerdeno, Marta
Chorda, Emilio Gamo, Alvaro
The emergence of oppida in rural Celtiberia
Christian Heitz Sit tibi tectum leve - The relation between architecture and burials in
Archaic Apulia
Thimo Jacob Brestel Studies on the Iron Age situlae of the type Eggers 18-23
Bernd Hofmann Eine neue Methode zur Bestimmung der Spurweite antiker Fahrzeuge
durch Auswertung erhaltener Hohlwege prähistorischer Straßen
J. Alberto Arenas-Esteban Hillforts and social frames. Two case studies: North Wales and the
Spanish Iberian Mountain Range
Loup Bernard ArkeoGIS : How to browse settlements, farms and landscape of the
European Iron Age in a digital era
Gerit Schwenzer The late Iron Age farmsteads at Bruckneudorf/Austria – selected
examples of a settlement structure
Daniel Bursák The La Tène Period Agglomeration in Prague – Bubeneč
Leonie Rossie Spätlatènezeitliche Ringknopfgürtelhaken aus dem Heidetränk-Oppidum
bei Oberursel (Hochtaunus)
Haluk Riza Soner, Davide
Spatial distribution and network of minor and rural settlement in
southern Salento
Ivan Drnić Farms and villages of the Late Iron Age in southern Pannonia
Jan Bulas House or workshop? Case study of two pit-houses from the Iron Age
settlement site in Michałowice (Poland)
Leticia López-Mondéjar The ALHIS Project: Archaeology, Landscapes and Heritage in the
Iberian Southeast
Clara Toscano-Pérez, Juan M.
Campos Carrasco
Tejada La Vieja (Escacena Del Campo, Huelva) in the light of new


Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: