Walk: Along the Banks of the Ness, Inverness
02 November 2023, Starts: 10:00, Ends: 12:00
Along the Banks of the Ness, Inverness
Bob Jones and Jonathan Wordsworth will lead a walk from outside Inverness Town House, down Bridge Street and across the River Ness. The route will then go past the Cathedral and across the Infirmary Bridge to the War and Edith Cavell Memorial heading for the Ness Islands. Along the way archaeological and architectural changes besides the river and islands will be discussed.
The tour will start at 10am and aim to be completed by 12pm outside the Archive Centre at Bught Park. Contact Bob at overandabove@btinternet.com to book, places limited. Prebooking essential.
The event is part of NOSAS 25. Open to the public.