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Exhibition launch: ' Exploring Prehistoric Roundhouses: The Story of the Wedigs Community Project.' [Inverness] ...

03 October 2013

Starts: 19:00

  Exhibition: ' Exploring Prehistoric Roundhouses: The Story of the Wedigs Community Project.'

An exhibition describing the WeeDigs project which investigated round houses in Wester Ross will tour three locations in the Highlands this year, and have launches where volunteers will be available to talk about the project (and free wine and nibbles).

July 19th- August 2nd. Achiltibuie at Highland Music School (ex Piping School). Launch on July 19th at 7pm

Sept 3rd-27th. Ullapool Museum (assuming repairs to the building are finished). Launch on Sept. 3rd at 7pm

Oct. 3rd-28th. Eden Court OneTouch Gallery, Inverness. Launch on October 3rd, 7pm.

For further details see the WeeDigs website http://www.wedigs.co.uk/

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Dig: Warehouse chambered cairns, Caithness ...

03 October 2013

 From 20th September to 7th October 2013, AOC Archaeology Group, on behalf of one of the UK’s leading renewable energy developers, RWE npower renewables (RWE NRL), will be carrying out an archaeological dig around RWE NRL’s Burn of Whilk Wind Farm in Caithness. The focus of the excavations will be the Warehouse chambered cairns; AOC together with volunteers will be investigating two of these impressive burial monuments to characterise and date the structures, and to make them more presentable to the public.

While Caithness is a region rich in archaeological history, we still know very little about many of the identified monuments of importance. The excavations in the coming weeks should shed new light on the Neolithic and Bronze Age of the county. As with all such projects in Caithness, AOC is keen to get as many volunteers to take part as possible. You can participate for any length of time and no previous experience is required – full training and all tools and equipment will be provided.

If you would like to participate, please get in touch with Andy Heald on 07824 562186 or email him at andy.heald@aocarchaeology.com. Arrangements for where to meet etc. will be sent out after you have registered with Andy.

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03 October 2013

The Highland Archaeology Festival progamme is out! As usual it´s full of walks, talks, digs and events making for some difficult choices. The programme is available on the Highland Council website, and should be available from libraries, service points, museums and other venues. If you are having problems locating a copy, contact the Highland Historic Environment Team on 01463 702250 or Email: archaeology@highland.gov.uk.

The website also contains stop press events, as well as booking forms for the Recent Archaeological Discoveries and Research conference on 12th and 13th October.

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Walk: Pictish Rosemarkie [Rosemarkie] ...

03 October 2013

Starts: 14:00
Ends: 16:00

 An afternoon tour exploring the enigmatic Pictish stones of Rosemarkie and their context. Meet a Groam House Museum, Rosemarkie. Short, relaxed walk on even ground. Please wear sturdy footwear and bring wet weather gear.

Part of Highland Archaeology Festival, organised by ARCH and Groam House Museum. Contact Lynne McKeggie if any questions: 077 3199 1673 or lmckeggie@archhighland.org.uk

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Talk: Magic Metals: glimpses of the Late Bronze Age in Easter Ross [North Kessock] ...

03 October 2013

Starts: 19:45

Magic Metals: glimpses of the Late Bronze Age in Easter Ross

Illustrated talk byTrevor Cowie, National Museums of Scotland.

Drawing on local archaeological finds, Trevor will show how discoveries of bronze and gold metalwork can be used to shed light on the lives of the Bronze Age communities of the region, from everyday activities to their contacts with the wider world.

Knockbain Free Church Hall, North Kessock. Thursday 3rd October - 7.45pm - 9.45pm. All welcome. North Kessock & District Local History Society. Members: £1; non-members: £2. Note change of venue from normal meeting venue. The Free Church Hall is near North Kessock Primary School


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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: