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Dig: Uncovering the Bronze Age [Caithness] ...

03 October 2015

Week long exploration of Bronze Age remains, part of ´A Window on the Hidden Bronze Age Landscape of Caithness´ project.

The fourth and final week of the summer school will involve exploration of key sites identified during the field survey programme. This block of fieldwork will investigate how the buried archaeology relates to the features detected by LiDAR, and how extensive prehistoric settlements really were. Training will focus on tracing and mapping the extents of prehistoric settlements through small scale excavations. Participants will gain key archaeological skills that can be transferred to future archaeological projects.

Monday 28th September will be spent at Castlehill Heritage Centre, with the remainder of the week being spent in the field. Please meet at the Heritage Centre at 9am each day, unless advised otherwise.

All project events are free and open to all, but you MUST register to take part in the summer school. This is partly because places are limited, but also so that we can keep participants informed about arrangements during the fieldwork.

Please register by emailing charlotte.douglas@aocarchaeology.com with details of when you would like to attend the summer school.

Participation in all 6 days of each week is not mandatory – please attend as and when you can!

If you register but find that you are unable to attend, please email Charlotte as above so that she can allocate your place to someone else.

Further information from the AOC website 

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Walk: Knockfarral [Strathpeffer] ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 10:00
Ends: 13:00

 Event organised by Highland Council Countryside Rangers:

Come along and walk up to the largest hillfort in Ross-shire and learn about the Iron Age, other hill forts and duns in the area as well as the process of vitrification. Was it used on purpose as a technique to strengthen the fort walls or did it happen by chance? Excellent views as well.
Meet at the Old Victorian Railway Station in Strathpeffer. Grid ref: NH 485583. Grade B. Adults £4.00, conc. £3.00, family £11.00. Contact Martin on 01349 868563 or martin.hind@highland.gov.uk.

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Walk: Glenelg ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 11:00
Ends: 15:00

 Event organised by Highland Council Countryside Rangers:

Explore the stunning archaeological features of this remote Highland glen, including two brochs, Dun Troddan and Dun Telve, a massive round-house and a fort, Dun Grugaig, overlooking the steep gorge of the Abhainn a' Ghlinne Bhig (Glen Beag River). Other artefacts to look out for include a chambered cairn, two cup-marked stones and a ruined whisky still - all signs of significant use of this area in times gone by.

Booking essential. Meet at Glenelg Community Hall to car share to start of excursion. Grid ref: NG 814194. Adults £8.00, conc. £4.00, family £20.00. Contact John on 01471 820526 or john.phillips@highland.gov.uk.

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walk: Loch of Yarrows to Whaligoe [Caithness] ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 11:00
Ends: 14:00

 Event organised by Highland Council Countryside Rangers:

A walk through history in classic Caithness landscape. The route is peppered with archaelogical sites spanning several thousand years; burial cairns, broch, hill fort and ending at the breath taking steps at Whaligoe harbour. Rough hill walking in parts. Bring lunch and walking boots. Drivers returned to start.
Booking essential. Meet at Loch of Yarrows car park. Grid ref: ND 307433. Grade C. Adults £4.00, conc. £3.00, family £11.00. Contact Kirsty on 07500 784123 or kirsty.rosie@highland.gov.uk

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walk: Loch of Yarrows to Whaligoe [Caithness] ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 11:00
Ends: 14:00

 Event organised by Highland Council Countryside Rangers:

A walk through history in classic Caithness landscape. The route is peppered with archaelogical sites spanning several thousand years; burial cairns, broch, hill fort and ending at the breath taking steps at Whaligoe harbour. Rough hill walking in parts. Bring lunch and walking boots. Drivers returned to start.
Booking essential. Meet at Loch of Yarrows car park. Grid ref: ND 307433. Grade C. Adults £4.00, conc. £3.00, family £11.00. Contact Kirsty on 07500 784123 or kirsty.rosie@highland.gov.uk

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Black Isle Gathering [Fortrose] ...

03 October 2015

 The Black Isle Gathering is a free biennial all-day indoor 'street market' for community groups, small businesses, craft workers, churches, sports clubs etc which takes over the entire ground floor of Fortrose Academy.

ARCH will be there with a stall, along with other local history groups and organisations.

For further information see the BIG website

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Highland Archaeology Festival ...

03 October 2015

 The Highland Archaeology Festival has a large number of activities - walks, talks, exhibitions and workshops - throughout the Highlands, for 2nd - 18th October 2015. Programmes are available from libraries and service points, and online. Stop Press and additional events are reported on the facebook page www.facebook.com/HighlandHER

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Cycle or bus tour: Transition to the Past - 100 years of Rosemarkie and Fortrose ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 10:40

 'Transition to the Past' will be on Saturday the 3rd of October starting at 10:40 in the Fairy Glen Car Park, Rosemarkie. There will be a look at Pictish Rosemarkie before a cycle to Fortrose Cathedral and a tour of that too. We plan to finish by 12:40. For anyone not keen on cycling this is timed so people can use the buses instead.

Bring your own bike or arrange a hire through Black Isle Bikes: http://blackislebicycles.co.uk/

There is no charge but any donations will go to the Kirkmichael Trust.

Organised by Transition Black Isle and Highland Archaeology Services, as part of Highland Archaeology Festival. Phone 01381 600491 for further information.

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Mesolithic Footsteps: walk and site tour [Aberdeenshire] ...

03 October 2015

Starts: 09:30
Ends: 17:00

Mesolithic Footsteps: walk, guided tour of excavations, and exploration of hunting and gathering techniques of Mesolithic people.

£15 per person - booking essential. The National Trust for Scotland, Mar Lodge Estate Ranger Service, 013397-20164.

A walk from the Linn of Dee to excavations of a mesolithic site on the River Dee, with a tour of the excavations led by Dr Gordon Noble, University of Aberdeen. Along the way
participants will join in a series of activities exploring hunter-gatherer lifestyles. 

This is a chance to visit excavations being undertaken in Glen Dee by the University of Aberdeen as part of the Upper Dee Tributaries Project. Evidence for human activity stretching as far back as c8,200 BC has been found at a complex of sites stretching along the banks of the Dee. The Aberdeen team leader, Dr Gordon Noble, will conduct a tour of the
third season’s excavations.

On the way there and back, in the company of archaeologists and countryside experts, participants will explore Mesolithic ways of life through various themed activities, including flint knapping, aspects of hunting, foraging and other bush-craft skills, and storytelling – with a Mesolithic food-tasting to round off the day!

This is an all-day event, so a good, general level of fitness is required. Participants should bring good walking boots, warm, waterproof clothing, and a packed lunch. The event is suitable for families – minimum age 12 years. No dogs please.
Places are limited, so advance booking is essential.

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: