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Outdoor research: Evanton Wartime Remains [Evanton] ...

06 April 2013

Starts: 10:00
Ends: 13:00

Outdoor sessions: (subject to change due to weather!)

Saturday 6th April:
Today we'll do some GPS and photography of standing remains, and compare standing remains to wartime maps. Meet at the bottom of Newton Road North (NH 6201 6689) Access is from the B817. THERE IS NO ACCESS FROM THE A9). There is space for cars at the very end, but it is rough with some pot holes, so drive carefully!
Saturday & Sunday 13th & 14th April: Outdoor Survey
Saturday & Sunday 20th & 21st April: Outdoor Survey
And also weekends in May depending on interest.
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Talk & Unveiling: 'Inauguration: The Completion of the Nigg Project [Nigg] ...

06 April 2013

Starts: 15:00
Ends: 16:30


A fully illustrated talk by Martin Hadlington the Project Director, and the Conservator, Graciela Ainsworth, in Nigg Hall, 3.00pm - 4.30pm. Because of unforeseen difficulties with the condition of the cross-slab it has taken the  Trust longer than intended to reach this happy day, but the one thing that could not be done was to rush work on this most precious national treasure. Hear all about the difficulties, and the solutions, to supporting the slab safely and inserting the carved fragment of the BEAST. A benefit of the new way in which the slab is supported, - by external supports, which for all of us will make it look very different- is that visitors will now be able to go up to the Poor Loft and so understand much better the lay-out of the Church. See how the narrow pews meant that worshippers had to pay attention to the sermon!

The cross-slab has moved about a great deal since it was carved hundreds of years ago, and the community of Nigg and Shandwick, can be proud to be part of a succession of admirable people who through the ages have done their best to look after it.

The official unveiling of the new display will take place in Nigg Old Church immediately after the talk.

For further details, see the Nigg Old Church Website.

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: