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Summer School: Mapping the Bronze Age [Caithness] ...

15 July 2015

A Week-long summer school, part of the ´A Window on the Hidden Bronze Age Landscape of Caithness´ project.

In the field school, participants will learn how to create detailed and accurate records of the sites we find in the field, creating detailed survey plans and maps. Training will be given in a range of survey types, from manual taped offset and plane table survey up to hi-tech methods such as total station and GPS survey. AOC will also introduce participants to ground-based laser scanning, which can be used to create highly detailed terrain models of small areas using the same technology as aerial LiDAR.

Monday 13th July will be spent at Castlehill Heritage Centre, with the rest of the week being spent in the field. Please meet at the Heritage Centre at 9am each day, unless advised otherwise.

All project events are free and open to all, but you MUST register to take part in the summer school. This is partly because places are limited, but also so that we can keep participants informed about arrangements during the fieldwork. Please register by emailing charlotte.douglas@aocarchaeology.com with details of when you would like to attend the summer school.

Participation in all 6 days of each week is not mandatory – please attend as and when you can!

If you register but find that you are unable to attend, please email Charlotte as above so that she can allocate your place to someone else.

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Dig: Cromarty Medieval Burgh site ...

15 July 2015

Starts: 09:30
Ends: 17:00

Monday 29 June - Saturday 4 July and Saturday 11 July - Monday 27 July 2015

The Cromarty Medieval Burgh Community Archaeology Project is open to all volunteers from age 6 up. No previous experience is necessary, there will be training session before the next dig, and there is plenty of supervision on-site from archeologistis happy to pass on skills! It is important to contact the team to schedule dates to attend, so please contact them using the website form on http://www.medievalcromarty.org/feedback.asp
or call 01381 600726 before your visit.

There are many ways to get involved on the site other than excavation. Volunteers can also help with on-site planning, photography, surveying and artefact cleaning and processing. This summer we will also be holding a programme of hands-on activities for children.

What to expect:
Each day will run from 9:30 until 5:00
Training for new diggers will start each day at 9:45
Childrens activities will start at 10:00 each day; with the afternoon sessions at 2:00pm
Morning break at 11:00, lunch at 1:00 and afternoon break at 3:00
Site tours will be held daily (times TBD)

What to bring:
Waterproof jacket and trousers
Sun cream and hat
Lunch and drinks
Sturdy shoes (not sandals)
If you have them: trowel, kneeling pad, gloves

Further details from the Cromarty Medieval Burgh website www.medievalcromarty.org

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Workshop: Radiocarbon dating [Cromarty] ...

15 July 2015

Starts: 14:45
Ends: 15:15

Tony Krus from SUERC will provide a free 20 minute training on radiocarbon dating.

Cromarty Medieval Burgh excavation.

 For further details about activities associated with the Cromarty Medieval Burgh Community Archaeology Project, including directions and how to volunteer, see the dig website  http://www.medievalcromarty.org/

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: