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AGM & Talk: Sutherland Murray - The Yukon Gold Rush to Cromarty [Cromarty] ...

17 April 2014

Starts: 19:30

Sutherland Murray - The Yukon Gold Rush to Cromarty 

Talk by Paul Monk 

(follows AGM)

Cromarty West Church Hall
Organised by Cromarty History Society. Free for members of the Society. Non-members pay £3 (membership costs £8 (£12 for a Family membership) ) More information on Cromarty History Society website http://www.spanglefish.com/cromartyhistorysociety/

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Talk: ‘Discovering the Northern Picts: Excavations at Rhynie and beyond’ [Dingwall] ...

17 April 2014

Starts: 19:30

‘Discovering the Northern Picts: Excavations at Rhynie and beyond’

Illustrated talk by Gordon Noble

Dingwall Community Centre, 7:30pm. Suggested donation £3

In this talk Gordon Noble will outline the Department of Archaeology, at the University of Aberdeen’s work at Rhynie, an undocumented Pictish power centre, and wider work on the Picts of northern Scotland.

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Strathpeffer Story Map Project [Strathpeffer] ...

17 April 2014

Starts: 10:30
Ends: 15:30

Help create a map of stories from the Strathpeffer area with storytellers Bob Pegg and Alec Williamson, and artist John Hodkinson.

Highland Museum of Childhood, the Old Station, Strathpeffer

10th April: with Bob Pegg and Alex Williamson exploring stories of giant warriors, magical goats and silly stones. Bring along your own storeis too.

17th April: with Bob Pegg and John Hodkinson, looking at how to turn stories into images, arranging them on a canvas map.

You don´t need to be from Strathpeffer to take part.

For more information and bookings, contact the Museum of Childhood on 01997 421031 or inbfo@highlandmusuemofchildhood.org.uk


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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: