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Talk: Dr Kenneth Murchison and Sir Roderick Murchison of Tarradale - Making and losing a Highland estate [Cromarty] ...

20 March 2014

Starts: 19:30

Dr Kenneth Murchison and Sir Roderick Murchison of Tarradale - Making and losing a Highland estate

Talk by Eric Grant

Cromarty West Church Hall
Organised by Cromarty History Society. Free for members of the Society. Non-members pay £3 (membership costs £8 (£12 for a Family membership) ) More information on Cromarty History Society website http://www.spanglefish.com/cromartyhistorysociety/

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Talk: A Tour Through Scotland's Islands: From Muckle Flugga to the Mull of Kintyre. [Inverness] NOTE: CHANGE OF SPEAKER/TALK FROM ORIGINALLY ADVERTISED ...

20 March 2014

Starts: 12:30
Ends: 13:30

A Tour Through Scotland's Islands: From Muckle Flugga to the Mull of Kintyre.

An Illustrated Talk by Norman Newton

The Reading Room, Inverness Library, FARRALINE PARK, INVERNESS

Organised by WEA Scotland. Minimum donation: £2. No need to book. For questions contact 01463 710577
or email: s.kerr@weascotland.org.uk


NOTE: This talk is instead of 'Cherished, offered, lost and found' by Cait McCullagh, which has had to be cancelled due to family bereavement.

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Talk: ‘Portgower, Mid Garty and What Came Before’ [Brora] ...

20 March 2014

Starts: 19:30

 ‘Portgower, Mid Garty and What Came Before’

Illustrated talk by Esther MacDonald.  

Community Centre Lounge in Brora Primary School in Johnstone Place, Brora.

Organised by Clyne Heritage Society, which will hold its AGM on the night. The meeting is open to all and there will be a raffle (donations always welcome). Refreshments and admission are free. Anyone wishing to join the Society will be made most welcome. Information on the Society's activities can be found on its website: www.clyneheritage.com or on its Facebook page.

Esther MacDonald was born and raised in the small village of Portgower. Still resident and now crofting there, she has a deep love of her locality.

Having thoroughly researched the fascinating history of her native area, Esther begins her story 3500 years ago and then follows the subsequent timeline to the present day using old maps, photographs from the 1880s onwards and investigates events such as the birth of a Clearance village, the Crofters ‘War’ and Highland Land League of the 1880s and the 1918 Portgower Land Raid.

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: