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ARCH course : Pathways into the Past - Reporting on Your Past [Tain] ...

24 May 2012

Starts: 18:30
Ends: 21:00

 Pathways into the Past : Reporting on Your Past 

Showing all your historical and archaeological discoveries to the public by putting together a display.



For more information and to book, call 01349 868230 

or email info@archhighland.org.uk

To find out more about earlier ARCH

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ARCH open meeting [Stratherrick] ...

24 May 2012

Starts: 19:00
Ends: 20:30
ARCH open meeting Stratherrick Public Hall  
From 7.00pm to 8.30pm. This is an opportunity for people in the area to meet and share information about local heritage, and to suggest possible areas of interest for future courses and events. The evening is also a great opportunity to bring old photographs or objects to share with others, and find out more about some of the stories of the area’s past.
All welcome!
Coffees & teas provided
 For further information contact us on 01349 868230 or email info@archhighland.org.uk 
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Talk: The Agricultural Improvement of the Black Isle & the Inner Moray Firth before 1900 [Inverness] ...

24 May 2012

Starts: 19:30
Ends: 21:00

The Agricultural Improvement of the Black Isle & the Inner Moray Firth before 1900

Talk by David Alston

Eden Court Theatre, Inverness

Free  but booking is essential – please contact monika@rowan-tree-consulting.co.uk

The event is part of the Highland Soil Biodiversity Festival - nine days of illustrated talks, field visits and guided walks to raise awareness of the importance of soils for nature and wildlife. This has been organised by the Highland Biodiversity Partnership and is taking place during Scottish Biodiversity Week.

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: