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Nigg Old Trust Archaeological Field Walk [Nigg] ...

25 May 2013

Starts: 14:00
Ends: 16:00

Archaeological Field Walk led by Lachlan and Lynne McKeggie of ARCH.

Meet at Nigg Old Church.

On Saturday May 25th an archaeological field walk will be led by Lachlan and Lynne McKeggie of ARCH (Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands). Meet at Nigg Old Church ( not at the Nigg Village Hall as previously announced) at 2.00 pm. Suitable for adults and older children Sturdy footwear is recommended. The Bishop's Walk, adjacent to the church, is an area likely to have been of importance to the early medieval church on the site and could include the original site of the cross-slab. It was in the Walk that the newly inserted fragment of the Pictish beast symbol was found in 1998.
After the walk there will be refreshments at the Nigg Village Hall, and discussion of the nature of the site and how it could be interpreted further, to finish at around 4.00 pm.


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Conference: Archaeological Research in Progres [Edinburgh] ...

25 May 2013

 Archaeological Research in Progress 2013

The national conference examining recent and ongoing archaeological projects across Scotland, organised by The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and  Archaeology Scotland. will take place on Saturday 25 May 2013 at the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

This annual conference provides an opportunity to hear up-to-date accounts of some of the work in progress in Scotland. This year the event is organised by the Society and some of the projects highlighted have been grant-aided from the Society’s Research Funds. Tickets are selling fast so book soon

Society of Antiquaries Fellows / Archaeology Scotland Members / IHBC Members places @ £35
Non- Fellows / Members places @ £40
Student / Unwaged places @ £35 (evidence must be provided)

Tickets include tea and coffee, a soup and sandwich buffet and entry to the conference and posters.


0915 Registration at the Royal Society of Edinburgh

Morning Session - Chaired by Dr Shannon Fraser, Convener of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

0945 Welcome and Opening Remarks

0955 "Colonization and climate-induced population collapse: the 6000-year history of Mesolithic settlement in Western Scotland" - Karen Wicks and Steve Mithen (University of Reading)

1020 "Discoveries at Dunragit: archaeology along the A75 bypass" - Declan P Hurl (Amey plc) and Warren Bailie (GUARD Archaeology)

1045 "A Landscape Through Time: Recent work at Links of Noltland, Westray" - Graeme Wilson (EASE Archaeology)

1110 Questions

1125 Tea and Coffee and Displays and Bookstalls

1155 "Sophisticated roundhouse design within settled landscapes of the living and the dead: recent excavation of Bronze Age structures and deposits in Argyll" - Clare Ellis (Argyll Archaeology)

1220 "Camelon: the Modern excavation of the Flavian and Antonine Forts Complex" - Martin Cook (AOC Archaeology)

1245 Questions

1300 Launch of Discovery and Excavation in Scotland

1310 Lunch and Displays and Bookstalls

Afternoon session chaired by Jack Stevenson, President of Archaeology Scotland

1410 "Rubh' an Dunain: an ancient harbour system on Skye?" - Colin and Paula Martin

1435 "Death During the Scottish Wars of Independence: An Osteological and Isotopic Analysis of Medieval Individuals from Stirling Castle" - Jo Buckberry (Archaeological Sciences, University of Bradford), Janet Montgomery (Department of Archaeology, University of Durham) and Julia Lee-Thorp (Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art, Oxford University)

1500 Questions

1515 Tea and Coffee and Displays and Bookstalls

1545 "Discovering Dumfries and Galloway's Past" - Richard Jones and Giles Carey (University of Glasgow)

1610 "Where it all began - the earliest surviving canal-related building in Scotland: Applecross Workshops, Hamiltonhill Basin, Glasgow" - Dr Sabina Strachan and Andy Phelps (Scottish Canals)

1635 "ROF Bishopton, Renfrewshire - the archaeology of military supply in the 20th century" - Thomas Rees (Rathmell Archaeology)

1700 Questions and Closing Remarks

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Book Launch: Rosemarkie People and Places [Rosemarkie] ...

25 May 2013

Starts: 14:00
Ends: 16:00

 Book launch of Rosemarkie: People and Places. A collection of Photos and Memories, by Freda Bassindale

Gordon Memorial Hall, Rosemarkie, 2-4pm. Free tea and cakes.


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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: