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Wattle and Daub workshop and drop in sessions [Castletown] ...

27 September 2015

 Wattle and Daub workshop (10-12:20) and Drop In Session (1-4)
Castlehill Heritage Centre, Harbour Road, Castletown
Wattle and daub was used in the walls of some Bronze Age roundhouses. Woven willow or hazel hurdles were smeared with a mixture that might include earth, sand, soil, hay, straw, grass, lime and sometimes dung, to create a wind- and waterproof finish.

Experienced craftsman Chris Goodman will teach participants how to create woven hurdles, preparing uprights and weavers, and threading the weavers back and forth to make attractive and sturdy panels. We’ll also do some experimental archaeology, testing out different types of daub.

The morning workshop is recommend for adults and those aged 16 or over; the drop-in session from 1pm-4pm is suitable for all ages.

Places are limited, please register by emailing charlotte.douglas@aocarchaeology.com.

If you are keen to find out more, but don’t want to attend the full workshop, do come along to the drop-in session in the afternoon, and try your hand at this traditional skill.

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Doors Open Day: Am Fasgadh, Highland Folk Museum [Newtonmore] ...

27 September 2015

Starts: 14:00
Ends: 16:00

 Doors Open Day in new store, Am Fasgadh, at Highland Folk Museum

Further details on website.

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Pictish Day at Brodie Castle ...

27 September 2015

Starts: 13:00
Ends: 16:00

Pict your way to Brodie

Brodie Castle, Moray

An afternoon of activities on a Pictish theme, with something to attract all ages – culminating in the performance of a new violin suite inspired by Rodney’s Stone, a Pictish symbol stone in the grounds of Brodie Castle. Suitable for families.

The spirit of the Picts lives on in new music. A Pictish symbol stone in the grounds of Brodie Castle, Moray will be celebrated in a suite of music composed by traditional fiddler Paul Anderson, as part of a dynamic project drawing together
Scotland’s heritage and the creative arts.

A free event for all the family, donations welcome.

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Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: