Souterrain Sounds at the Caen Burn, Kildonan
20 April 2024, Starts: 09:35, Ends: 12:00
Souterrain Sounds at the Caen Burn, Kildonan
Timespan heritage curator Jacquie Aitken will lead a group to the souteirran site at the Caen Burn Kildonan. This archaeological Iron Age site has been silently reacting and responding to the loss of its inhabitants, changes in climate, and the constant threat of destruction from development. To better understand the acoustics of the site, archaeoacoustics is being used as a technique to capture the sounds of the materials and vegetation surrounding the area. Jacquie’s will use these sounds to reconstruct the acoustic of the area, the recording will be available at Timespan’ s archive throughout the festival.
The minibus is fully booked, but people can travel by their own car. Meet at Timespan Museum at 9:35. The walk is a 30-35 minute walk of medium difficulty through potentially boggy terrain. Welly boots are recommended.
Fruther details from their website and facebook pages, or email Part of their Becoming Futures sound festival.