Highland Heritage Day 2024

Over 80 people from around 40 organisations attended the Highland Heritage Day on 23rd March at Dingwall Academy. This followed on from the very successful gathering a year ago. As one of the co-hosts Roland Spencer-Jones said, it felt like the beginnings of a meeting of family and friends. There was ample opportunity for networking and to browse stands and displays brought by groups from as far away as Caithness, Grantown, Fort William and Skye.

Short talks and small group discussions focussed on two of the main topics raised at last year’s event: Community Engagement and Volunteering. The discussions allowed people to share successes, failures and potential ways forward, providing inspiration and cautionary messages. The notes from these sessions, foccusing on successes and challenges are available on the ARCH website in the Document Library, in the Highland Heritage Day 2024 folder.

There was clear consensus at the end that it would be good to meet again in a year’s time. Thanks to the steering group of ARCH, NoSAS, Museums and Heritage Highland, Highland Archaeology Services and Wardlaw Mausoleum Trust, and the many groups who helped fund the day, along with the JTH Charitable Trust.

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