Pathways in Tain, journeys along the Kyle line and some monumental stories

20 February 2012

Learning survey skills with ARCHThe last section of Pathways into the Past, looking at the ancient routeway from Tarradale to Tain will be coming under scrutiny at Cathy MacIver’s classes in Tain, which start Thursday 23 February at 6.30pm in the TRACC centre.  The classes in Strathpeffer looking at the same routeway are already going strong, but Cathy has room for one or two more if you would like to join them in the Strathpeffer Community Centre on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm. The Pathways into the Past pages have just been updated to add our findings from the last course based in Milton. Follow this link to find out more. 
Next Monday evening (February 27) at 7.30pm we’ll be hosting the next ARCH lecture at Dingwall Community Centre, when Adrian Clark will be telling some Monumental Stories, about local monuments, including the Fyrish Monument and the Cambrai Cross, looking at how stories develop, are sometimes distorted and how new significance is added over time.
on the Kyle line with ARCHThere’s also an advance reminder that Susan Kruse’s ARCH course Heritage along the Kyle Line : Telling the Stories will begin on Wednesday 7 March  from 2:30-5pm in Dingwall Community Centre. This course will use all the information learnt on past courses to create a leaflet and MP3 commentary.  Some days the course will be on the train, and others at various locations along the route. In order to get free train passes for everyone booking is essential for this course - contact us using the details below.
There’s a wee note from Cathy that if you haven’t yet seen the exhibition of the ARCH dig at Foulis last summer, it is on display in the Dingwall Community Library until mid March. 
And finally, take a look at for a news update on our ‘Taking Part in the Past’ free family festival celebrating Highland Community Archaeology - it is on 21 April in Dingwall Academy.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: