Killearnan in the Highland archives

22 February 2012

The Killearnan Memories exhibition is now on display in the Highland Archive Centre, Bught Park, Inverness. Part 1 is on display until 5 March, when it will be replaced by part 2 which will run until the end of March. The archive centre is open 10.00 -  5.00 on Mon,Tue,& Thurs, 10 - 7.30 on Wed and is closed  Fri,  Sat, Sun.

Killearnan lies on the south side of the Black Isle, and includes Tore - where the ARCH classes that inspired this exhibition were held in 2010.
Those involved in these sessions enjoyed them so much that, with some community benefit funding from Fairburn windfarm and the support of the North Kessock and District Local History Society, they set up a series of 8 meetings. These discussed old buildings and site, interviewed people about their memories and put these on dvd and produced this impressive exhibition - which includes lots of old photographs of the parish.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: