Achiltibuie community dig strikes archaeological gold

26 March 2012

Achiltibuie roundhouse community digThe Roundhouse archaeological project, funded by Heritage Lottery and Highland Council, has produced exciting results at the initial dig in Achitlibuie - shown left before the dig.




Achiltibuie roundhouse community dig - stone hearthsLocal volunteers dug a metre-square pit and to their delight found that they had selected the perfect spot. The excavation uncovered a column of successive stone hearths and a stone-lined tank in the centre of the house, indicating a long period of occupation.

A further trench across the roundhouse wall revealed a well-faced stone wall some 2 metres thick with an earth and stone core.

Achiltiebuie roundhouse community excavationFind out more about the whole project by following this link - and look for future dig dates on our events page.
The next dig is May 14-18 at Rhue. All are welcome to join in. If you'd like to find out more contact dig organiser Anna Welti at
Anna's blogs from the roundhouse digs are hosted on our guest blog page

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: