May archaeology and heritage events

03 May 2012

There’s an amazing number of archaeological and heritage activities to chose from during May, just a few of which are outlined below : 
Groam House Museum Pictish slabGroam House Museum Pictish slabFriday 4 May 
Groam House Museum Annual Academic Lecture  at Fortrose Community Theatre at 7.30pm. Spaces and places in the Pictish Landscape, a talk by Stratford Halliday (formerly of the RCAHMS) Admission £4 (Members £2) 
Friday 11 May
ARCH Open Meeting Mallaig Heritage Centre 7:00-8:30pm

Share your local knowledge and ideas, find out more about what ARCH can offer, help shape future developments of the organisation in your area.
All welcome!  
Coffees & teas provided
 For further information contact us on 01349 868230 or email 
Russian Arctic Convoy Museum Monday 7 - Saturday 12 May  
Events commemorating the WWII Arctic Convoys and the role of the Loch Ewe community.
Activities include ‘Enigma’ a talk by codebreaker expert, Dr Mark Baldwin, a guided walk to the wreck site of the SS William Welch, a look at what was happening around Loch Ewe during WWII - including rare film footage, a chance to see an enigma machine, a 1940s American dance night  and a wartime tea party. Find out more on the Russian Arctic Convoy Museum website
Ablekids booksThursday 10 May from 1.00pm - 7.00pm, Friday 11 May from 10.00 - 4.00pm
Highland Book Fair Tour Ullapool Macphail Centre 
If you’re interested in specialist books then you’ll be delighted with this touring book fair organised three booksellers who are experts in their field:
Picaresque Books
Antiquarian, fine bindings, first edition, Scottish, illustrated, childrens and local history books, together with maps, book ends and an eclectic mix of interesting and keenly priced books.
HighFlight Books
Aviation material, including aircraft manufactures, the RAF, aviation history, autobiographies of aviators, Flying in WW1 - in fact every aspect of flight and flying. There is also a good general stock of books including military history, mountaineering, maritime and local books, travel, children's, classics, local history, the environment, humanism and the arts.
Bilingual, multicultural, English and Gaelic resources for children. The language books for children include, French language books, Polish language books, multicultural books, English language books and Scottish Gaelic books for children.
Other book fair tour dates are: 2/3 June Dornoch Community Centre, 21/22th June Kyleakin Hall, 5/6 July Melness Hall, 26/27 July Dornie Hall, 2/3 August Durness Hall
Find out more on the Highland Book Fairs website 
Wester Ross round house test pitMonday 14 May - Friday 18 May  
The second round of selective test pitting of roundhouses in Wester Ross at Rhue, nr Ullapool
Organised by Lochbroom Field Club, the days are led by archaeologist Anna Welti and volunteers from the local community who will teach the techniques of selective test pitting - small targeted excavations. The project is focussed on establishing when and how roundhouse dwellers occupied these houses in our local landscapes. 
Have a look at our guest blog for an account of the first dig, and at the Wester Ross wee digs website for details of the dig at Rhue. 
Caithness ConferenceSaturday 19 May
Community Archaeology in Caithness: A Celebration of the County’s Commitment to Heritage from 9.30am to 4pm at Castlehill Heritage Centre, Castletown
Caithness Archaeological trust and AOC Archaeology Group will host a day of short talks on topics including:
  • Nybster Broch: the power centre of the north
  • Castle Sinclair Girnigoe’s history? Just a myth!
  • Reshaping the past at Thrumster Broch
  • Recent commercial discoveries in Caithness
  • Stone mad: building a broch
  • Secrets of the soil: what the samples revealed
  • Renovation of Thrumster Station
A light lunch and refreshments will be provided. All free, all welcome!
For more information contact or 01593 731269
Applecross brochSaturday 19 and Sunday 20 May
Test pitting training at Applecross
Sponsored by Applecross Landscape Partnership Scheme, this is another opportunity to learn the skills of test pitting, this time with archaeologists, Cait McCullagh and Mary Peteranna, and is part of ongoing excavions in the Applecross area. The first session will be at Langwell cleared township and will be investigating the findings of the geophysical survey. 
A further training day will take place on 16 and 17 June
This will look at the results of the previous session, including how to draw up the plans and write a report, and there will be another test-pitting exercise in the area around the broch.  
For information and booking please contact Cait at Please book early, as places are limited to ten participants per session.
Wednesday 23 May
The next lecture within the Centre for History UHI seminar series will be in Dornoch (5pm, Ross House) when Professor Elizabeth Ewan from the University of Guelph (Canada) will talk about 'The Lost Boy: Looking for Masculinities in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland'.  If you would like to book a place contact Kathrin Zickerman on or phone 01847 889622
ARCH Boat of Garten group at workThursday 24 May
ARCH open meeting Stratherrick Public Hall  
From 7.00pm to 8.30pm. This is an opportunity for people in the area to meet and share information about local heritage, and to suggest possible areas of interest for future courses and events. The evening is also a great opportunity to bring old photographs or objects to share with others, and find out more about some of the stories of the area’s past.
All welcome!
Coffees & teas provided. For further information contact us on 01349 868230 or email 
Strathcarnaig photo by David AlstonMonday 28 May
ARCH lecture : Strathcarnaig (Sutherland) before and after Clearance 
Dingwall Community Centre at 19.30. Historian David Alston describes the well-preserved remains of settlements in Strathcarnaig on the road from Strath Fleet to Bonar Bridge, linking them to the detailed surveys of the 1770s before the area was cleared.
Cairngorms National Park mapThursday 31 May
Woodland History Training Course
The Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments (RCAHMS) is running a Woodland History Training Course with dendrochronologist/environmental archaeologist Coralie Mills and native woodland history expert and forester Peter Quelch. The course will take place just outside Aviemore and will include a field visit to historic woodlands nearby.
The day will consist of a morning of workshop talks indoors introducing the idea of woodland heritage, including woodland archaeology, documentary evidence, woodland types, tree-forms and tree-ring evidence. In the afternoon there will be a visit to historic woods in the area to apply what has been learnt to a range of woodland types and tree-forms.
For more details contact Amy Gillespie, Community Archaeology Team, RCAHMS Tel : 0131 651 6793 or email  
Places are limited, so booking essential.
Find out more about the project through the Cairngorms Community Heritage facebook page
Muirtown Basin from Caledonian Canal image libraryThursday 31 May
Our Heritage! 
At Muirtown Basin, Inverness from 10.00 - 4.00
A day workshop where you can learn about, record and participate in celebrating and increasing knowledge of your local heritage. The day will focus on the Caledonian Canal and include a little classroom learning, practical outdoor sessions and group project work. 
Find out more and book a place from: Stephen Wiseman
Caledonian Canal Heritage Officer on 01463 725561 or email
Details of this and other events on

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: