New ARCH post : Evanton Wartime Remains Project Officer

24 July 2012

Evanton Wartime Remains Project

Evanton PillboxThe wartime remains at Evanton are little known, but the subject of keen local interest. This project will create a database of all known remains in the Highlands, drawing on the HER, CANMORE, local publications and websites. In the second part of the project the Project Officer will collect memories of the wartime remains in the village of Evanton, using methodology ARCH has pioneered in the last few years. In addition, s/he will lead workshops on how to use the HER/CANMORE, how to submit information into these databases, how to take good pictures of sites, and work with the groups to create a tourist leaflet and display. S/he will also arrange a number of outdoor recording sessions of remains in Evanton, including use of GPS and effective recording for later inclusion in the HER/CANMORE. S/he will also compile a booklet showcasing the results, and ensure a binder of resources discovered in the project is submitted to the local library. The project officer will liaise with local schools to involve them as they wish. S/he will also provide talks about the project as requested.

Full details and application form are available in the documents library. Closing date for applications is 10th August 2012; Interviews will take place 14th August.

Evanton Wartime Remains has been funded by: the European Community Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme, Kiltearn Community Council, Highland Council, the Co-operative Membership Community Fund and the Robert Kiln Trust. 

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: