Digging about in Gairloch

21 October 2012

Achtercairn excavationThe last chance to go digging about in Gairloch this year is happening right now! So put on your welly boots, pick up your trowel and go and join Wee Digs for a round house excavation at Auchtercairn, close to Gairloch. The dig runs from 22 - 26 October, with an open day on 23 and school visits on 23 and 24 October.

As you'll see from the picture, right, taken on the June dig it isn't all hard work. At this dig they exposed an area of well laid, stone slab, paving possibly related to the remains of a small rectangular (shieling type) structure lying immediately to the north of the trench. Sealed beneath this paving was an area of burning so intense that the underlying earth had been reddened to a considerable depth with closely related stones also heavily reddened. This discovery led the diggers to wonder if the site had been something other than a roundhouse.

So what will dig 2 reveal? Join the digging or pay a visit and find out.

For more details volunteer diggers should contact Anna Welti (annawelti@btinternet.com), 01854612647, or Jeremy Fenton 01445712663

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: