Day course on family learning in museums 

09 November 2012

Kids in Museums logoHow museums can provide an environment for families to learn together and promote learning through the events and activities they provide will be the subject of this day long course on Friday 23rd November, 10.30am - 4pm at Culloden Battlefield Visitor Centre, Inverness.

Dea Birkett, Director of Kids in Museums, will talk about their work in helping museums to appeal to families  and you’ll be able to explore Culloden's family learning initiatives and try some of these in groups.

During the day  participants will take a look at local museums who have run successful family learning activities and have a round-table discussion about working with families. You’ll also be able to submit queries or questions about family learning beforehand for discussion on the day, and attendees are encouraged to bring with them any advertising materials they produce that’s aimed at family groups. To book your place, please complete the attached form and email to Sarah Cowie on and Adam Love-Rogers Please submit your booking request to both email addresses.

Lunch will be provided. Costs: £20 for GEM members (£30 for non-members)

Payment can be cash or cheque on the day, or via an invoice following the event. All cheques should be made to 'GEM Scotland'  (Group for Education in Museums).


Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: