Vital volunteers

06 January 2013

 ARCH taking part in the past festival, volunteers and visitorsA Happy New Year one and all!

As we think back over the old year and greet the new one full of energy for future plans it's good to reflect on all the effort that volunteers have put into making ARCH such a success. The ARCH board members have been tremendous, as you may imagine there's a lot to keep on top of in running a project like Stop, Look and Listen which has kept us busy (and happy!) over the last 3 years.

They've never faltered in their enthusiasm, and now that we're planning the next few years they're as keen as ever to keep ARCH going, offering community heritage opportunities throughout the Highlands.

So, a big thank you from the ARCH staff.

A big thank you too to all of the ARCH supporters, in being interested in us, in helping to organise courses and events and last, but most definitely not least, in coming along to all our classes, events, walks and lectures. Without you there'd be no ARCH.

And it isn't just ARCH who is thankful to volunteers, they make many communities great places to live in, so it is wonderful to see them recognised for their help at two Black Isle historic churches. Find out more on the East Church, Cromarty website.

Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: