FACET Project - Develop a new skill and get paid (a little) for it

16 June 2021

ARCH has developed this brilliant project to train people to be community heritage facilitators. The idea is that at the end of the project you will have developed, or improved, your skills in helping a small community investigate and document its history.

ARCH has been doing this for years. What’s new in this project is that this skill is going to be taught to a small group of people who are paid a stipend for taking part, together with travelling expenses. 

Starting in August with Ardross, and then moving to Kirkhill in the New Year, ARCH will deliver its well-respected “Timeline” course to these community groups. Taking part as well will be a group of up to five “trainees” who have chosen to learn how to facilitate community courses. They will by the end be delivering parts of it. We will also arrange car sharing where possible.

There’s still time to apply, as the deadline for applications has been extended to 30th June. There’s information about the FACET project  in the ARCH Library site. The application forms can be found in the ARCH Jobs tab on that same Library site. If you would like an informal chat about the positions, contact Susan Kruse on 077888 35466 or susan@archhighland.org.uk


Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: