Are you in the Picture? SRP photo competition now on...

23 January 2010

Scotland’s Rural Past (SRP) is a five-year nationwide project that was launched in October 2006 to work with local communities across Scotland to investigate and document abandoned medieval and later rural settlements. A number of projects have already been undertaken in the Highlands, providing training in identifying, understanding and recording settlements. See the SRP website for details.

SRP have again launched a photo competition, this year with the theme Are you in the Picture? They would like photos of people visiting, working on, or just enjoying being at rural settlement sites.

First prize: A flight with the RCAHMS Aerial Survey Team
Runner up prizes: Free RCAHMS publication of your choice

Three photographs will be chosen each month to feature on theSRP website for the following month and to be entered into the overall competition. Closing date for entries is the last day of each month, starting 31 January 2010 and ending 31 December 2010. Monthly winners will be informed early the following month. Three overall winning photos will be chosen in early 2011 from the pool of monthly winners. Each of these winners will receive a prize. All monthly winners will also feature in a special SRP exhibition in 2011.

Terms and conditions apply. Please note that photographs of people are categorised as sensitive personal information under UK Data Protection law and the Data Protection Act (1998) exists to protect people’s personal rights. When taking photographs that feature specific people you must have their permission to do so. This does not apply if you are taking photographs of groups that do not focus on any specific person.

If taking photographs which specifically feature children and young people under 18, or vulnerable adults, you must ask their parents or guardians to sign a Parental Consent Form. You can obtain a Parental Consent Form from our website or directly from us. If you are working with school groups, you may find that the schools have their own forms that they prefer to use for this purpose. If so, you should ask them for photocopies of the signed forms.

Further details on the SRP website.






Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands (ARCH), The Goods Shed, The Old Station, Strathpeffer, Ross-Shire, Scotland IV14 9DH
Tel: +44 (0)77888 35466 Email: