Gairloch and Two Lochs Community Timeline

In 2011 an ARCH class researched the heritage in Gairloch and the Two Lochs area. The region has been lived in for thousands of years. Some of the evidence of the past is still there to be seen today, but much has been altered or has been destroyed. The resulting display and binder contained highlights of some of the sites, buildings and finds from the area. Further information about these and many other interesting remains of our heritage can be found in binders at Gairloch Library and Gairloch Museum, or by consulting Highland Council’s Historic Environment Record at

The participants researched the following topics:

* 1.1 Redpoint lithic evidence (Mesolithic – Bronze Age)
* 2.1 Stone axehead from Cove (Neolithic)
* 2.2 Carved stone ball from Kinlochewe
* 3.1 Bronze Age metalwork, especially the ingot from Gairloch (Bronze Age)
* 3.2 Cist burials (Bronze Age)
* 3.3. Roundhouses (Bronze Age – Iron Age)
3.4 Burnt mounds (Bronae Age – Iron Age)
* 4.1. Hillforts and Duns (Iron Age)
* 4.2 Crannogs (Iron Age)
* 4.3 Pictish Stones from Gairloch and Londubh (Pictish)
* 4.4 Iron Age ironworking
* 5.1 Placenames (Norse/Medieval onwards)
* 5.2 Pre-Reformation churches (Medieval onwards)
* 5.3 Isle Maree (Iron Age onwards)
5.4 Possible Norse house (Viking/Norse)
5.5 Castles (Medieval onwards)
* 6.1 Blast furnaces (1600s)
* 6.2 Flowerdale Barn & other associated buildings (1700s onwards)
* 6.3 Crofting landscape (post medieval)
* 6.4 Destitution Roads, and other early routes (1800s)
* 6.5 Fishing remains (post medieval)
* 6.6 Poolewe Telfort Church and other post-Reformation churches
* 6.7 SSPCK schools and other schools
* 6.8 Rubha Reidh Lighthouse
6.9 Limekilns
6.10 Icehouses
6.11 Mills
* 7.1 Pre WWI Rifle Ranges and other WWI remains
* 7.2 WWII remains
8.1. Misc. general information

All numbers which have an asterix (*) were featured on the display.

Gairloch and Two Lochs Community Timeline was researched and prepared by:
Marylynn Burbridge, Mark Cooper, Jeremy Fenton, Anne MacInnes, Dorothy Malone and Janet Whittington


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