Stop, Look and Listen
The Stop, Look and Listen Project is an ambitious 3 year project to encourage people in the Highlands to learn about, record and become involved in their local heritage by
- providing opportunities for people of all ages and abilities to learn about the rich archaeological heritage of their communities.
- offering a range of training through activities designed to suit all interests and diverse learning styles and preferences, including above ground surveying, excavation, archival research and museum skills.
- providing the possible first step towards progress into further training and learning with others
- allowing progression through ARCH programmes and towards other opportunities.
- collaborating and working with other groups and societies, organisations, museums, schools and projects.
- disseminating results as widely as possible, including exhibitions, publications, website entries, contributions to the Highland Council HER and RCAHMS databases.
Over three years, SLL will offer six overlapping and interwoven programmes catering to a wide range of interests and abilities. These include:
Community Timelines
Interested in the past, but confused about what happened when? This course will provide a good introduction to your community and its heritage. Through documents, maps and site visits, members of 8 communities will research sites or buildings in their locality and then present this information as a multimedia timeline.
- Pathways into the Past
Whether by land or water, the ways that people travel around are crucial to understanding the history of the Highlands. While exploring a network of relic routeways between Beauly and Tain and the landscape through which it passes, members of 7 communities will learn how to do archival research and field survey.
- Display the Past
Ever wondered what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ at your local museum? Participants on the Display the Past courses worked with two museums, Groam House Museum and Nairn Museum, to research and then create an exhibition focusing on a particular aspect of the museum’s collection. Along the way they learned how to handle and care for objects, as well as how to display them.
Heritage along the Kyle Line
Ever looked out of the carriage window and wondered about what you can see? Research places along the route of the railway from Dingwall to Kyle of Lochalsh and create a leaflet and an audio commentary, so that visitors (and locals) can learn about the places they are travelling through.
- Living in the Past
Young people and teachers explored how people lived in the past, by learning how to ‘read’ the remains of an old crofting township and other nearby sites. Working with the Scotland's Rural Past project, as well as with artist Lizzie McDougall, they recorded the remains and then interpreted the sites by creating a display of artwork and a powerpoint presentation.
- Delve into the Past
For many people, archaeology is excavation - and there were opportunities to get digging in 2011 and 2012! Training in the skills and techniques required before, during and after a dig were provided. The site at Foulis was near public transport and childcare was available. The results of the two years answered a number of questions, but raised a lot more!
In addition to the individual programmes, the project officers will also undertake outreach activities throughout the three years. This will include giving one talk / presentation per month to a school group and also to one local organisation. Talks / presentations will also be offered for relevant conferences and seminars including the 'What's New in Highland Archaeology' seminar at the Highland Archaeology Festival. At the end of SLL, ARCH will coordinate a conference that celebrates the project’s results, findings and impact.
Stop, Look and Listen is funded by:
with support from
for the Heritage Along the Kyle Line programme.
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